Second-Offense DUI

Jeff Davis County Second DUI Offense Lawyer

Defending Clients With Prior Records Against Drunk Driving Charges

If you have been charged with driving under the influence (DUI) in Georgia and you have already been convicted of DUI at least once in the past five years, you are facing particularly harsh criminal penalties and driver’s license consequences if you are convicted again.

I am George McCranie IV, a Coffee County second DUI offense attorney serving clients throughout southeast Georgia. If you retain me to handle your DUI defense, I will take every opportunity to help you avoid or reduce the serious consequences of a second conviction.

Helping Clients Fight Harsh Criminal and Driver’s License Consequences

A second DUI conviction increases both the criminal penalties that will be imposed by the court and the driver’s license consequences that will be imposed by the Department of Driver Services (DDS) if you are convicted. The consequences of a second DUI include the following:

  • Criminal Penalties: If you are convicted of a second DUI, you will be required to spend at least 72 hours — possibly longer, depending on the facts of your case — in jail. You will also be sentenced to a mandatory minimum of 240 hours of community service.
  • License Suspension: After a second DUI conviction, your driver’s license will be suspended for three years. You will have to wait 12 months to apply for a work permit and 18 months to apply for early reinstatement. In order to get a work permit, you will be required to install an ignition interlock device, which will be monitored for a minimum of six months.

The driver’s license consequences of a DUI can affect your entire family. If you are convicted, all of your license plates and tags will be confiscated by the court. You may be able to get a special hardship plate for one family car, but “DUI” will be prominently displayed on the plate.

Contact a Douglas Repeat Drunk Driving Defense Attorney at 912-383-7581

If you have been charged with a second-time DUI, you need an experienced drunk driving defense lawyer on your side. To discuss how I can help you fight these serious charges, please contact my office at 912-383-7581 or by e-mail to schedule a free initial consultation.